luni, 29 septembrie 2008

Venice of the north or Venice of the South?

De fiecare data ma intreb care Venetie imi place mai mult, cea a nordului(adica Bruges-ul Belgiei), sau cea a sudului(mult vizitata si prea binecunoscuta Venezie a Italiei). Oricum fiecare are particularitatile ei, si merita a fi explorat fiecare colt de strada deoarece intotdeauna se pot descoperi chestii noi si surprinzatoare, cum am descoperit eu anul acesta, dupa 3 ani ce mai vazusem odata Bruges-ul.
Astfel am descoperit, din Bruges-free map for young travellers, printre altele ca: There are questions to piss of the locals: OOhh,i know this tower!it was built for the movie 'In Bruges', wasn't it? When does Bruges close? Where is McDonald's? Take a chill pill.The Bruges population is really relaxed .The best place to enjoy life horizontally is in the parks. Do not salute people with a stressy "yo", but go for "Yuu" or "Yooo" while pointing your finger at the person you're greeting.Don't wink or whistle though. If you're runnnig out of money but still hungry , fries are the best option.There is also a Fries Museum here. The local symbol of the Bruges is a bear. Nobody cares.But incidentally, the word bear is also used for everything that is good. Never steal a Belgian beer glass. It's really annoying , and only tourists do it. If you're out of cash, don;t steal change out of the collecting urns in the churches. This is only for 50 and up. Women's rights are important.Guys buy rounds of beer, and so do the girls.Make sure to always ask what your friends would like to drink, or you might end up lonely and tipsy.
Exceptand faptul ca Bruges-ul este cel mai vizitat din intreaba Belgie, restul descrierii se regaseste oarecum in poze, deoarece mi se pare ca nici macar pozele nu pot reda exact atmosfera locala.

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